Armenian Orphans in the Care of the Armenian National Relief Organisation of Istanbul on 31 October 1919

24 April 2007
Ara Stepan Melkonian is a historian and translator. He is a fellow at the Gomidas Institute.
This database is from ²½·³ÛÇÝ Êݳٳï³ñáõÃÇõÝ ÀݹѳÝáõñ î»Õ»Ï³·Çñ, by Madteos Eblighatian (2nd edition, Antilias 1985) and is part of a larger project on Armenian family history.
It contains lists of Armenian orphans in the care of Armenian national authorities in Constantinople (Istanbul) around 1919. The information has been collated and arranged by surname, first name and place of birth, with additional details of orphanage authorities.
It should be noted that some names appear more than once. This is due to the individuals concerned being moved between orphanages during the 1919 survey period.
It is to be emphasised that the listing does not include previous or subsequent movements of any individual, except as stated in the Notes.
A number of names shown are devoid of information concerning parents etc. These are to be found at the end of the listing.
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