Books and Publications

History,Politics,Ottoman Empire,Armenia,
Gerard J. Libaridian, Liberation and Revolution: Critical Essays in Modern Armenian History,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2024,
x + 248 pp., 
ISBN 978-1-909382-73-2, pb.,
UK£30.00 / US$35.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Turkey; Armenian Genocide
Kemal Yalçın, Your Rejoice My Heart [Second Edition],

London: Gomidas Institute, 2024,
xiv + 396  pp., 
ISBN 978-1-909382-80-0, pb.,
UK£25.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Literature, Armenian Literature in Translation,Ottoman Empire
Hagop Oshagan, Remnants: The Way of the Womb, Book 1 (3rd Edition),

transl. by  G. M. Goshgarian
with an introduction by Nanor Kebranian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2023,
xli+ 206 pp., map, illustrations,
ISBN 978-1-909382-77-0, pb.,
UK£24.00 / US$28.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Armenia, Diaspora, Turkey
Gerard J. Libaridian, A PRECARIOUS ARMENIA: The Third Republic, the Karabakh Conflict, and Genocide Politics,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2023,
xlviii + 582 pp, 
ISBN 978-1-909382-76-3, pb.,
UK£45.00 / US$55.00
To order please contact


Further Information
Armenian Literature in Translation, Turkey, Kurds
Nanor Kebranian, Zabel Yessayan on the Threshold: Key Texts on Armenians and Turks as Ottoman Subjects,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2023,
144 pp., illust,
ISBN 978-1-909382-75-6, pb.,
UK£20.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Turkey, study
Ara Sarafian (comp. and ed.), Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide, 1917 [Expanded Edition],

London : Gomidas Institute, 2022,
82 pp., maps, b&w + colour illust.
ISBN 978-1-909382-72-5, pb.,
UK£20.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Turkey, diaspora, memoir
Soghomon Tehlirian, Remembrances: The Assassination of Talaat Pasha,

as told to Vahan Minakhorian
translated from Armenian and annotated by Bedo Demirdjian 
with an introduction by Ara Sarafian
London : Gomidas Institute, 2022,
312 pp., photos, maps,
ISBN 978-1-909382-54-1, pb.,
UK£25.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Diaspora, Biography
Astrid Katcharyan, Affinity with Night Skies: Astra Sabondjian's Story,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2022,
206 pp., map,
ISBN 978-1-909382-71-8, pb.,
UK£20.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenia, Diaspora, National Identity, Political Geography, Study
Vahagn Vardanyan, National Identity, Diaspora, and Space of Belonging: An Armenian Perspective,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2021,
viii + 266 pp., maps, photos, tables,
ISBN 978-1-909382-69-5, pb.,
UK£25.00 / US$30.00
ISBN 978-1-909382-70-1, hb,
UK£40 / US$50.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Ara Iskanderian, Godless Hour: A Yerevan Tale,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2021,
124 pp., drawings
ISBN 978-1-909382-68-8, pb.,
UK£12.00 / US$16.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Diaspora, Turkey
Senekerim Khederian, A Brief History of Nirze Village in Gesaria,

translated from Armenian with annotations and introduction by Gerard J. Libaridian
London : Gomidas Institute, 2021,
xiv + 90 pp., map, photos, tables,
ISBN 978-1-909382-66-4, pb.,
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, memoir
Missak Khralian, Palahovid: An Ancestral Memoir,

translated from Armenian by Simon Beugekian; edited with an introduction by Ara Sarafian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2021
xx + 160 pages, map, photos.
ISBN 978-1-909382-63-3, pb.,
UK£20.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Osmanlı Ermenileri
H. Şükrü Ilıcak and Jonathan Varjabedian, Sevgülü Oğlum Garabed, Mekdubu Okudum, Ağladım, Güldüm : Kayseri Efkere'den Amerıka'ya Kocayan Ailesi Mektupları (1912-1919),

H. Şükrü Ilıcak (Ermeni harfli Türkçe'den transkripsiyon ve İngilizceye çeviri) Jonathan Varjabedian ve H. Şükrü Ilıcak (İngilizce ve Türkçe sunuş yazıları).
428 s., Ermeni harfli Türkçe mektupların tıpkıbasımı, Latin harflerine transkripsiyonları, ek fotoğraflar, Türkçe lügatçe.
ISBN 978-1-909382-65-7, karton kapak
İngiltere £40.00/ABD $50.00
Sipariş vermek için lütfen

Further Information
Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Armenian Genocide
H. Sukru Ilicak and Jonathan Varjabedian, My Dear Son Garabed, I Read Your Letter, I Cried, I Laughed: Kojaian Family Letters from Efkere/Kayseri to America (1912-1919),

transcrıbed and translated into English from Armeno-Turkish by H. Şükrü Ilıcak with English and Turkish introductions by Jonathan Varjabedian and H. Şükrü Ilıcak
428 pp., full facimile of original Armeno-Turkish with Latinised transcriptions, additional photographs and glossary for Turkish readers
London: Gomidas Institute, 2021
ISBN 978-1-909382-65-7, pb.,
UK£40.00 / US$50.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Adana Massacres, Diaspora, memoir,
Eliza Aharon (Der Melkonian) Sachaklian, ELIZA: A Memoir of Love and Resistance,

translated by Arpena Sachaklian Mesrobian, compiled and with an introduction by Marian Mesrobian-MacCurdy
London: Gomidas Institute, 2021, illustrations, index, 204 pp., 
ISBN 978-1-909382-55-8, pb.,
To order please contact

Further Information
Hampartzoum Mardiros Chitjian, A Hair’s Breadth from Death,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2021 (2nd ed.)
xx + 434 pp., maps, photos., illust., gloss.,
ISBN 978-1-909382-62-6, paperback,
UK£35.00 / US$45.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Literature in Translation, Turkey, Kurds
Raffi, Sparks - Twelve Selections,

translated from Armenian by Donald Abcarian
London : Gomidas Institute, 2021,
126 pp.,
ISBN 978-1-909382-61-9, paperback,
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Literature, Armenian Literature in Translation
Raffi, The Fool: Events from the Last Russo-Turkish War (1877–78),

translated from Armenian and introduced by Donald Abcarian
Gomidas Institute, 2021,
238 pages, map, glossary
ISBN 978-1-909382-56-5, pb. 
Price: UK£18.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
History, Armenia, Turkey, Kurdish, Literature
Raffi, Jalaleddin,

translated from Armenian and introduced by Donald Abcarian
Gomidas Institute, 2021,
vi + 56 pages, map, glossary
ISBN 978-1-909382-57-2, pb. 
Price: UK£10.00 / US$12.00
To order please contact


Further Information
Armenian Literature in Translation, Armenia and the South Caucasus
Raffi, The Golden Rooster,

translated from Armenian and introduced by Donald Abcarian
Gomidas Institute, 2021,
x + 134 pages, glossary
ISBN 978-1-909382-58-9, pb. 
Price: UK£15.00 / US$20.00
To order please contact

Further Information
History, Armenia and the South Caucasus
Raffi, The Five Melikdoms of Karabagh,

translated from Armenian and introduced by Ara Stepan Melkonian
Gomidas Institute, 2021,
194 pages, map
ISBN 978-1-909382-60-2, pb. 
Price: UK£18.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Turkey, Armenia, Literature
Raffi, Tajkahayk,

translated from Armenian and introduced by Ara Stepan Melkonian
Gomidas Institute, 2021,
x + 100 pages,
ISBN 978-1-909382-59-6, pb. 
Price: UK£14.00 / US$20.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Ottoman Empire, History
Minas Kasabian (Farhad), The Armenians in the Province of Nicomedia,

translated from Armenian by Ara Stepan Melkonian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2019,
xx + 260 pages, illustration.
ISBN 978-1-909382-45-9, large-format (A4) hardback,
Price: UK£80.00 / US$100.00
To order please contact 

Further Information
Ottoman Empire, History
Boghos Vartabed Natanian, First Report on the Diocese of Nicomedia, 1870,

translated from Armenian by Ara Stepan Melkonian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2019,
44 pages, illustration.
ISBN 978-1-909382-50-3, paperback,
Price: UK£10.00 / US$12.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Turkey, Armenian Genocide
Raffi Bedrosyan, Trauma and Resilience: Armenians in Turkey – Hidden, Not Hidden and No Longer Hidden,

with introductions by Fethiye Çetin and Taner Akçam 
London: Gomidas Institute, 2019, 
xx + 226 pages, maps, photos. ISBN 978-1-909382-46-6, 
paperback, Price: UK£20.00 / US$25.00 / CAN$35.00 
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Armenia, Caucasus
Rouben Shougarian, Does Armenian Need a Foreign Policy? (2nd edition),

with a new pre- and afterword
London: Gomidas Institute, 2018,
299 pages, maps, photos
ISBN 978-1-909382-33-6, paperback,
Price: UK£24.00 / US$28.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Vahram Dadrian, To the Desert: Pages from My Diary,

transl. from Armenian by Agop Hacikyan; ed. and intro. by Ara Sarafian         
London: Gomidas Institute, 2020, 3rd ed.
xvi + 428 pp., map, photos
ISBN 1-909382-52-7, paperback,
UK£20.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Study, Armenian Genocide, World War I, Turkey
Wendy Elliott, Grit and Grace in a World Gone Mad: Humanitarianism in Talas, Turkey 1908-1923,

Foreword by Kamo Mayilyan
London: Gomidas Institute, 2018,
xiv + 406 pages, maps, photos.
ISBN 978-1-909382-44-2, paperback,
Price: UK£30.00 / US$35.00 / CAN$45.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Turkey
Sarkis Y. Karayan, Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914: A Geographic and Demographic Gazetteer,

Sarkis Y. Karayan
Gomidas Institute, 2018,
674 pp, maps, photos

ISBN 978-1-909382-42-8, pb.,
Price: UK£55.00 / US$70.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Turkey
Philip M.Pedley, The Ataturk Interview: Armenian Tall Tales or an Inconvenient Truth?,

Philip M. Pedley
Gomidas Institute, 2018,
80 pages, photos

ISBN 978-1-909382-43-5, pb.,
Price: UK£12.00 / US$18.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Turkey
Kevork Baboian, The Heroic Battle of Aintab,

translated from Armenian and with a historical introduction by Ümit Kurt
Gomidas Institute, 2018,
286 pages, maps and photos

ISBN 978-1-909382-41-1, pb.
Price: UK£20.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide
A-Do, Van 1915: The Great Events of Vasbouragan,

translated from Armenian by Ara Sarafian with historical introduction by Rouben Gasparyan and Rouben Sahakyan
London: Gomidas Institute, 2017,
345 pp, maps and photos

ISBN 978-1-909382-37-4, pb.
Price: UK£40.00 / US$50.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Memoir
Souren H. Hanessian, Through The Depths: A True Life Story,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2017
80 pp, map, photos, family tree.
ISBN 978-1-909382-38-1, pb.
Price: UK£12.00 / US$16.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Literature, Modern Turkey
Mıgırdiç Margosyan, Gavur Mahallesi,

translated from Turkish by Matthew Chovanec
London: Gomidas Institute, 2017
Co-published with Aras Yayinevi (Istanbul)
104 pp, photos, pb.
ISBN 978-1-909382-28-2, pb.

Price: UK£12.00 / US$15.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide
Hagop K. Beshlian, A Shirt for the Brave,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2017
98 pp,
map, photos

ISBN 978-1-909382-36-7, pb.

Price: UK£12.00 / US$16.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Modern Armenia, Iran
Levon Aharonian, Stormy Days: Memoirs of an Iranian-Armenian Businessman,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2016,
584 pages,
maps, photos, index
ISBN 978-1-909382-32-9, pb.
Price: UK£40.00 / US$40.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Caucasus, Modern Armenia
Sassoon Grigorian, Smart Nation: A Blueprint for Modern Armenia,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2016,
xx + 140 pages,
maps, photos, index
ISBN 978-1-909382-34-3, paperback,
Price: UK£15.00 / US$18.00
To order please contact

London: Gomidas Institute, 2022,
xx + 140 pages, maps, photos, index
ISBN 978-1-909382-72-5, paperback,
Price: UK£15.00 / US$18.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Armenia
Jonathan Maiullo, Paper Mountains: An Armenian Diary (Expanded Edition),

London: Gomidas Institute, 2019,
214 pages,
ISBN 978-1-909382-49-7, paperback,
Price: UK£16.00 / US$22.00

To order please contact

An earlier edition of this title appeared with the ISBN 978-1-909382-29-9. 
The current edition is an expansion of the earlier volume with a new cover.

Further Information
Memoir, Caucasus, Modern Armenia
August von Haxthausen, Transcaucasia and the Tribes of the Caucasus,

Translated by John Edward Taylor
With a foreword by Dominic Lieven
And a critical introduction by Pietro A. Shakarian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2016,
xxxii + 378 pp, map and color illustrations,
ISBN 978-1-909382-31-2, paperback,
Price: UK£50.00 / US$60.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide, Caucasus
John M. Evans, Former US Ambassador to Armenia, Truth Held Hostage: America and the Armenian Genocide - What Then? What Now?,

with a foreword by Dr. Dickran Kouymjian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2016,
xxx + 170 pages, maps, photos, index,
ISBN 978-1-909382-26-8, hardback,
Price: UK£22.00 / US$32.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide
John M. Evans, Former US Ambassador to Armenia, Therefore, God Must be Armenian! Sixteen Talks Given on Armenian Issues, (2007-2012),

London: Gomidas Institute, 2016,
80 pages,
978-1-909382-25-1, paperback,
UK£8.00 / US$12.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Caucasus, Modern Armenia, Cartography
Friedrich Parrot, Journey to Ararat,

Translated by William Desborough Cooley
With a new critical introduction by Pietro A. Shakarian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2016,
xxx + 312 pages, maps and woodcuts,
ISBN 978-1-909382-24-4, paperback,
Price: UK£22.00 / US$30.00

Free large format map of Circassia, Georgia and Armenia for regular orders sent directly to

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide
Gretchen Rasch, The Storm of Life: A Missionary Marriage from Armenia to Appalachia,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2016,
x + 285 pages,
maps and photos,
ISBN 978-1-909382-23-7, paperback,
Price: UK£25.00 / US$35.00
To order please contact

Further Information
World War I and the Armenian Genocide
Henry Morgenthau, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2016
310 pp, photos, maps,
ISBN 978-1-909382-21-3, paperback
UK£20.00 / US$28.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Turkey, Kurdish
Frederike Geerdink, The Boys Are Dead: The Roboski Massacre and the Kurdish Question in Turkey,

Fréderike Geerdink
London: Gomidas Institute, 2015,
194 pages,
ISBN 978-1-909382-19-0, paperback,
Price: UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Turkey, Kurdish, Genocide
Ismail Besikci, International Colony Kurdistan,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2015, with a new foreword by Ismail Besikci (2005)
164 pp, map,
978-1-909382-20-6, paperback,
UK£12.00 / US$18.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, History, Literature
Karen Jeppe, Misak: An Armenian Life,

translated from Danish, annotated and introduced by Jonas Kauffeldt
London: Gomidas Institute, 2015,
lxxviii + 159 pages,
map and photos
ISBN 978-1-909382-18-3, paperback,
Price: UK£17.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information

Ragnar Naess, A Genocidal Age and its Aftermath: Notes on the Question of the Armenian Genocide,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2015,
448 pages
ISBN 978-1-909382-12-1, paperback,
Price: UK£35.00 / US$55.00

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide, Diaspora
Papken Injarabian, Azo the Slave Boy and his Road to Freedom,

translated from French by Elisabeth Eaker
London: Gomidas Institute, 2015,
vi + 158 pages, illustrations
ISBN 978-1-909382-16-9, paperback,
Price: UK£15.00 / US$20.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide, Diaspora
Jean V. Gureghian, My Father's Destiny: The Golgotha of Armenia Minor,

translated from French by Diran Meghreblian
with a preface by Yves Ternon
London: Gomidas Institute, 2015,
176 pages,
ISBN 978-1-909382-15-2, paperback,
Price: UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Ottoman Empire, Memoir
Krikor Mkhalian, Bardizag and its People,

translated with an introduction and annotations by Ara Stepan Melkonian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2014,
xxxiii + 476 pages, map, illustrations
ISBN 978-1-909382-14-5, paperback,
Price: UK£35.00 / US$50.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide, Diaspora
Avedis Albert Abrahamian, Avedis' Story: An Armenian Boy's Journey,

edited with an introduction by Carolann Najarian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2014,
x + 112 pages, map, photos.
ISBN 978-1-909382-13-8, paperback,
Price: UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Lewis Einstein, Inside Constantinople: A Diplomatist's Diary During the Dardanelles Expedition, April-September, 1915,

annotated with an introduction by Ara Sarafian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2014,
xxvi + 178 pp., maps, illustrations,
978-1-909382-11-4, paperback,
UK£18.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Literature, Ottoman Empire
Hagop Oshagan, Remnants,

transl. by  G. M. Goshgarian
with an introduction by Nanor Kebranian

London: Gomidas Institute, 2014,
xl+ 240 pp., map, illustrations,
978-1-909382-10-7, paperback,
UK£18.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Publications, Hrant Dink Foundation Books / Hrant Dink Vakfi Kitaplar,

Twenty-seven titles from the HDF in Turkey. 
To order please write to
Books will be shipped from USA or UK.

Further Information
Levon Shahoian, On the Banks of the Tigris (Youth edition),

transl. by  Garabet K. Moumdjian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2014,
148 pp., map, illustration,
978-1-909382-09-1, pb.
UK£17.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Levon Shahoian, On the Banks of the Tigris,

translated from the original Armenian with an introduction by Garabet K. Moumdjian)
London: Gomidas Institute, 2012,
146 pp., photos and map
ISBN 978-1-909382-03-9, paperback
UK£18.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Thomas K. Mugreditchian, The Diyarbekir Massacres and Kurdish Atrocities,

with an introduction by Uğur Üngör
London: Gomidas Institute, 2013,
xviii + 78 pp., map, illustrations, 96 pp,
978-1-909382-07-7, paperback,
UK£14.00 / US$18.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Pascal Carmont, The Amiras: Lords of Ottoman Armenia,

(trans. by Marika Blandin and
intro by Bernard Dorin, French Ambassador)
London: Gomidas Institute, 2012,
142 pp., photos
ISBN 978-1-903656-35-8
UK£17.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Modern Armenia, Caucasus
Aghavnie Y. Yeghenian, The Red Flag at Ararat,

with an introduction by Pietro A. Shakarian
London: Sterndale Classics, 2013,
viii + 134 pp, photos, map,
ISBN 978-1-909382-02-2, paperback
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Sonia Meghreblian, An Armenian Odyssey,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2013, 
152 pp, photos,
ISBN 978-1-909382-00-8, paperback,
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Sonia Meghreblian, Une Odyssée Arménienne,

(traduit par Gérard Charnoz)
London: Gomidas Institute, 2013,
164 pp, photos,
ISBN 978-1-909382-00-8, paperback,
UK£16.00 / US$22.00

Further Information
Anne Elizabeth Elbrecht, Telling the Story: The Armenian Genocide in the Pages of The New York Times and Missionary Herald,

(with an introduction by Dikran Kouymjian)
London: Gomidas Institute, 2012,

xvi + 238 pp, map,
ISBN 978-1-903656-36-5, paperback,
UK£18.00 / US$28.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Politics, Caucasus, Modern Armenia
Hambardzum Galstyan, Unmailed Letters,

(transl. ed and intro Agop J. Hacikyan)
London: Gomidas Institute, 2013, 
xxx + 294 pp, photos.,  map
ISBN 978-1-909382-01-5, paperback,
UK£18.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Diaspora
Elma Hovanessian, One Life, Three Cultures,

London: Taderon Press, 2011, 
222 pp, photos, 
ISBN 978-1-903656-38-9, paperback,
To order please contact

Further Information
Political Science
Rouben Shougarian, The Politics of Immaculate Misconception: The Ideas of the Post-Secular Age,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2013, 
192 pp,
ISBN 978-1-909382-04-6, paperback,
UK£17 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Ara Sarafian (comp., ed. and intro.), Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2011
70 pp, colour maps insert
ISBN 978-1-903656-66-2, paperback,
To order please contact

Free download
Book. Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide
Map 1. The Destruction of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1914-1917
Map 2. Surviving Armenian Deportees in the Ottoman Empire, 1917

Further Information
Antranig Ozanian (General Antranig), The Battle of the Holy Apostles' Monastery,

originally recorded by L. G. Loulegian
translated from Armenian by Ara Stepan Melkonian
London: Taderon Press, 2009, 70 pp,
ISBN 1-903656-80-8, paperback,
UK£6 / $10.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Kim McQuaid, The Real and Assumed Personalities of Famous Men: Rafael De Nogales, T. E. Lawrence, and the Birth of the Modern Era, 1914 - 1937,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2010,
172 pp. includes map and photos.
ISBN 978-1-903656-97-6, paperback,
UK£14.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Armenia, Study
Mario Carolla, Vatican Diplomacy and the Armenian Question: The Holy See’s Response to the Republic of Armenia, 1918-1922,

translated from the original Italian by Cynthia Quilici
London: Gomidas Institute, 2011, paperback
vi + 368 pp., map
ISBN 978-1-903656-98-3, paperback
UK£24.00 / US$35.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Adana Massacres
Hrachik Simonyan, The Destruction of Armenians in Cilicia, April 1909,

translated by Melissa Brown and Alexander Arzoumanian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2012,
280 pages, maps, photographs
ISBN 978-1-903656-34-1, paperback,
UK£20.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Turkey
Agop J. Hacikyan, My Ethnic Quest,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2012
x + 186 pp.
ISBN 978-1-903656-28-0
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Literature in Translation
Aksel Bakunts, The Dark Valley,

transl. by Nairi Hakhverdi, with an introduction by Victoria Rowe
London: Taderon Press, 2009,
148 pp,
ISBN 978-1-903656-90-7, paperback,
UK£10.00 / US$18.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Adana Massacres
Hagop H. Terzian, Cilicia 1909: The Massacre of Armenians,

translated from Armenian by Ara Stepan Melkonian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2009
xii + 146, map and photos,
ISBN 978-1-903656-95-2, paperback,
UK£12.00 / US$18.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation Series
Ara Sarafian (comp., ed. and intro.), United States Official Records on the Armenian Genocide 1915-1917,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2019
xlvi + 706 pp., illust., maps
ISBN 978-1-909382-51-0, paperback
UK£50.00 / US$60.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation Series
Henry Morgenthau, United States Diplomacy on the Bosphorus: The Diaries of Ambassador Morgenthau, 1913-1916,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2004
xviii + 500 pp, photos and maps,
ISBN 1-903656-40-0, hardback
UK£35.00 / US$50.00 (limited stock)
To order please contact

Further Information
Stina Khatchadourian, Great Need over the Water: The Letters of Theresa Huntington Ziegler, Missionary to Turkey, 1898–1905,

London: Gomidas Institute, 1999,
xvi + 375 pp., photos,
ISBN 0-9535191-0-4, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00

Further Information
Sarkis Narzakian, Memoirs of Sarkis Narzakian,

comp., transl. and ed. by Garine Narzakian
London: Gomidas Institute, 1995,
257 pp,
ISBN 1-884630-00-6, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Map, Cartography
American Geographical Society, Anatolia and Armenia,

with minor corrections and graphics by Ara Sarafian,
London: Gomidas Institute, 2000
Special Publication, black and white,
24 x 14 inches
UK£8.00 / US$12.00

This map was originally printed by the American Geographical Society, circa 1919.
To order please contact

Further Information
Map, Cartography
Zadig Khanzadian and Aram Andonian, Rappor sur l'unité géographique de l'Arménie: Atlas historique,

facimile of original
London: Gomidas Institute, 2000
Special Publication, duotone
12 x 16.5 inches
UK£8.00 / US$12.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Literature in Translation, Mythology
Ghazaros Aghayan, Tork Angegh,

transl. from Armenian and intro. by Agop Hacikyan; illust. by Talleen Hacikyan; versif. by Edward F. Franchuk
London: Gomidas Institute, 2007,
80 pp., 20 illustrations,
ISBN 978-1-903656-76-1, paperback
UK£12.00 / US$20.00 RESERVE STOCK - UK£24.00 / US$40.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Cartography, Caucasus
Rouben Galichian, Countries South of the Caucasus in Medieval Maps: Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan,

co-publication, Gomidas Institute (London) and Artinfo Art Books (Yerevan), 2007,
208 pp, 82 maps and 24 details, 98 in full color,
ISBN 978-1-903656-69-3, paperback,
UK£30.00 / US$50.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Armenia, Caucasus
Leonidas T. Chrysanthopoulos, Caucasus Chronicles: Nation-Building and Diplomacy in Armenia, 1993–1994,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2002,
200 pp., map and photos,
ISBN 1-884630-05-7, hardback,
UK£19.50 / US$29.95
To order please contact

Further Information
Hilmar Kaiser, At the Crossroads of Der Zor: Death, Survival, and Humanitarian Resistance in Aleppo, 1915–1917,

in collaboration with Luther and Nancy Eskijian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2002,
136 pp., map, photos,
ISBN 0-903656-12-5, paperback,
UK£14.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Hilmar Kaiser, Imperialism, Racism, and Development Theories: The Construction of a Dominant Paradigm on Ottoman Armenians,

with a foreword by Stephan H. Astourian
London: Gomidas Institute, 1997
x + 60 pp.,
ISBN 1-884630-02-2, paperback
UK£6.00 / US$9.00

Further Information
David Kherdian (transl.), The Song of the Stork and Other Early and Ancient Armenian Songs,

London : Taderon Press, 2004,
48 pp,
ISBN 1-903656-41-9, hardback,
UK£10.00 / US$14.95
To order please contact

Further Information
Marc Nichanian, Writers of Disaster: Armenian Literature in the Twentieth Century, volume 1, The National Revolution,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2002,
xii + 378 pp.,
ISBN 1-903656-09-5, paperback,
UK£24.00 / US$30.00 OUT OF STOCK
To order please contact

Further Information
Joan George, Merchants in Exile: The Armenians of Manchester, England, 1835–1935,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2002,
xv + 279 pp., maps, illustrations,
ISBN 1-903656-08-7, paperback,
UK£16.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Arpena S. Mesrobian, Like One Family,

with a foreword by Razmik Panossian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2000,
xviii + 257 pp, photos,
ISBN 0-9535191-1-2, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Haroutiun Barootian, Reminiscences from Tomarza's Past,

London and Reading: Taderon Press, 2007
184 pp,
ISBN 978-1-903656-60-0, paperback,
UK£12.00 / US$20.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Gérard Chaliand, Memory of My Memory,

translated from French by Tito Cohen and Juliet Kepl
London: Taderon Press, 2007,
68 pp,
ISBN 978-1-903656-67-9, paperback,
UK£8.00 / US$15.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Haig Tahta, April 1915,

London : Taderon Press, 2006,
440 pp, maps,
ISBN 1-903656-54-0, paperback,
UK£15.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Kay Mouradian, A Gift in the Sunlight: An Armenian Story,

London : Taderon Press, 2005,
208 pp, map,
ISBN 1-903656-56-7, paperback,
UK£12.00 / US$20.00

Further Information
Gregory Djanikian, George Hobson, Dean Kostos, Sofia Kontogeorge-Kostos, David Kherdian, Gregory Topalian, Nora Armani, Forgotten Genocides of the 20th Century,

London : Taderon Press, 2005,
104 pp,
ISBN 1-903656-53-2, paperback,
UK£7.00 / US$11.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Euphornia Halebian Meymarian, Housher: My Life in the Aftermath of the Armenian Genocide,

London : Taderon Press, 2005,
102 pp, photos,
ISBN 1-903656-42-7, paper,
UK£10.00 / US$15.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Modern Armenia, Caucasus
Rouben Galichian, The Invention of History: Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Showcasing of Imagination,

Gomidas Institute (London) and Printinfo Art Books (Yerevan), 2012,
x + 120 pp., photos, maps and DVD
ISBN 978-1-903656-86-0, hardback
UK£20.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Joan George, Merchants to Magnates, Intrigue and Survival: Armenians in London, 1900-2000,

with a foreword by Christopher J. Walker
London: Gomidas Institute, 2009,
xii + 282 pp, foldout map, photos,
ISBN 978-1-903656-82-3, paperback
UK£16.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Levon Z. Boyajian, Hayots Badeevuh: Reminiscences from Armenian Life in New York City,

London : Taderon Press, 2003,
xiii + 88 pp, photos,
ISBN 1-903656-32-X, paperback,
UK£10.00 / US$14.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Art and Architecture
Stepan Mnatsakanian, Aghtamar: A Jewel of Medieval Armenian Architecture / Ahtamar: Ortaçag Ermeni Mimarliginin Mucevheri,

bilingual English and Turkish
translated from English by Zuhal Bilgin, edited and intro by Ara Sarafian and Osman Koker
London: Gomidas Institute, 2010,
168 pp., includes maps, diagrams, colour photographs.
ISBN 978-1-903656-99-0, paperback
UK£30.00 / US$40.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Victoria Rowe, A History of Armenian Women’s Writing, 1880-1922,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2009,
292 pp.,
ISBN 978-1-903656-78-5, paperback,
UK£18.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Arman J. Kirakossian, British Diplomacy and the Armenian Question, from the 1830s to 1914,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2004,
384 pages,
ISBN 1-884630-07-3, paperback,
UK£20.00 / US$32.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Biography, Study
Rita Soulahian Kuyumjian, Archeology of Madness: Komitas, Portrait of an Armenian Icon, (Second Edition),

London: Gomidas Institute, 2010,
xii + 238 pp., map, illustrations,
ISBN 1-903656-10-9, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Literature in Translation
Levon Khechoyan, Black Book, Weighty Bug,

transl. from Armenian by Aram Ohanian,
London: Taderon Press, 2008
vi + 174 pp,
ISBN 978-1-903656-73-0, paperback,
UK£10.00 / US$17.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
James Bryce and Arnold Toynbee, The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-16: Documents Presented to Viscount Grey of Fallodon by Viscount Bryce [Uncensored Edition],

edited and with an introduction by Ara Sarafian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2005, 2nd ed.
xxii + 677 pp, map (insert),
ISBN 1-903656-51-6, hardback,
UK£45.00 / US$70.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Henry H. Riggs, Days of Tragedy in Armenia: Personal Experiences in Harpoot, 1915-1917,

London: Gomidas Institute, 1997,
xviii + 220 pp.
ISBN 1-884630-01-4, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00 OUT OF STOCK
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
James L. Barton (comp.), Turkish Atrocities - Statements of American Missionaries on the Treatment of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey 1915-1917,

London: Gomidas Institute, 1998
xiv + 210 pp, map,
ISBN 1-884630-04-9, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00 OUT OF STOCK
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Maria Jacobsen, Diaries of a Danish Missionary: Harpoot, 1907-1919,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2006
xxii + 266 pp, map,
ISBN 0-903656-07-9, paperback,
UK£24.00 / US$32.00 OUT OF STOCK
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Bertha Morley, Marsovan 1915: The Diaries of Bertha Morley,

with an introduction by Hilomar Kaiser
London: Gomidas Institute, 2000
xxii + 266 pp, map,
ISBN 0-9535191-3-9, paperback,
UK£12.00 / US$18.00 OUT O STOCK
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Tacy Atkinson, The German, the Turk and the Devil Made an Alliance: Harpoot Diaries, 1909-1917,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2016 [second printing]
xvi + 102 pp,
ISBN 9781909382305, paperback

To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Eric Avebury and Ara Sarafian, British Parliamentary Debates on the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1918,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2003
xiv+ 98 pp, map,
ISBN 1-903656-11-7, paperback
UK£10.00 / US$16.00 OUT OF STOCK
To order please contact

Further Information
Memoir, Armenian Genocide Documentation Series
Yervant Odian, Accursed Years: My Exile and Return from Der Zor, 1914-1919,

translated from original Armenian by Ara Stepan Melkonian
with an introduction by Krikor Beledian, (Gomidas Institute)
London: Gomidas Institute, 2009,
xvi + 326 pp., foldout map, photos
ISBN 978-1-903656-84-6, paperback
UK£18.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation, Biography
Rita Soulahian Kuyumjian, Teotig: Biography,

with translation of Teotig's "Monument to April 11" by Ara Stepan Melkonian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2012,
x + 244 pp., photos and map
ISBN 978-1-903656-93-8, paperback
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Aram Andonian, Exile, Trauma and Death: On the Road to Chankiri with Komitas Vartabed,

transl., ed. and annot. by Rita Soulahian Kuyumjian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2012,
xiv + 186 pp., photos and map
ISBN 978-1-903656-92-1, paperback
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Rita Soulahian Kuyumjian, The Survivor: Biography of Aram Andonian,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2010,
x + 86 pp., photos
ISBN 978-1-903656-94-5, paperback
UK£10.00 / US$14.00

To order please contact

Further Information
Paul Leverkuehn, A German Officer during the Armenian Genocide: A Biography of Max von Scheubner-Richter,

translated from German by Alasdair Lean with a preface by Jorge Vartparonian and a historical introduction by Hilmar Kaiser         
London: Gomidas Institute, 2009,
cxxx + 153 pp., map, photos,
ISBN 978-1-903656-81-5, paperback,
UK£25.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Kemal Yalçın, You Rejoice My Heart,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2007,
xvi + 384 pp, map and photographs,
ISBN 978-1-903656-72-3, paperback
UK£20.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Literature, Armenian Genocide
Inga Nalbandian, Your Brother's Blood Cries Out,

transl. from French and intro. from Armenian by Victoria Rowe
London: Gomidas Institute, 2007
XX + 284 pp., photo., map.
ISBN 978-1-903656-71-6, paperback,
Price: UK£14.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Abram I. Elkus, The Memoirs of Abram Elkus: Lawyer, Ambassador, Statesman,

with a commentary by Hilmar Kaiser
London: Gomidas Institute, 2004,
vi + 122 pages,
ISBN 1-903656-37-0, paperback,
Price: UK£14.00 / US$20
To order please contact

Further Information
Varteres Mikael Garougian, Destiny of the Dzidzernag: Autobiography of Varteres Mikael Garougian,

translated from the Armenian manuscript by Mariam V. Sahakian
London: Gomidas Institute, 2005,
xx + 336 pp, maps, photos,
ISBN 1-903656-50-8, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Hilmar Kaiser, Eberhard Count Wolffskeel Von Reichenberg, Zeitoun, Mousa Dagh, Ourfa: Letters on the Armenian Genocide,

comp. ed. with introduction by Hilmar Kaiser
London: Gomidas Institute, 2004 (second ed.)
xxvi + 64 pp, maps,
ISBN 1-903656-43-5, paperback,
UK£8.00 / US$14.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide Documentation
Ruth Parmelee, Pioneer in the Euphrates Valley,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2002,
x + 70 pp., photos,
ISBN 1-903636-24-9, paperback,
UK£7.00 / US$10.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Classics Revisited
George Horton, Blight of Asia,

with a foreword by James W. Gerard and a new introduction by James L. Marketos 2nd ed.
London: Sterndale Classics, 2008,
208 pp, photos, maps,
ISBN 978-1903656-79-2, paperback

To order please contact

This book was originally printed in 1926. It has been reprinted with fidelity to the original work. Sterndale Classics is an imprint of the Gomidas Institute.

Further Information
Classics Revisited
Rafael de Nogales, Four Years beneath the Crescent,

translated from Spanish by Muna Lee
London: Sterndale Classics, 2003,
356 pp, photos, maps,
ISBN 978-1903656198, paperback,
UK£18.00 / US$27.00
To order please contact

This book was originally
printed in 1927. It has been reprinted here with fidelity to the original work. Sterndale Classics is an imprint of the Gomidas Institute.

Further Information
Classics Revisited
Harry Stuermer, Two War Years in Constantinople Sketches of German and Young Turkish Ethics and Politics [revised and complete edition],

with a critical introduction to new edition by Hilmar Kaiser
London: Sterndale Classics, 2004,
ISBN 1-903756-17-6, paperback
UK£12.00 / US$16.00
To order please contact

This book was originally printed in 1917. It has been reprinted with fidelity to the original work, with a separate critical introduction by Hilmar Kaiser. Sterndale Classics is an imprint of the Gomidas Institute.

Further Information
Classics Revisited
Grace Knapp, The Tragedy of Bitlis,

London: Sterndale Classics, 2002,
110 pp., illust.,
ISBN 1-903656-14-1, paperback,
UK£12.00 / US$20.00
To order please contact

This book was originally printed in 1919. It has been reprinted with fidelity to the original work. Sterndale Classics is an imprint of the Gomidas Institute.

Further Information
Classics Revisited
Clarence Ussher, An American Physician in Turkey,

London: Sterndale Classics, 2002,
190 pp., illust.,
ISBN 1-903656-13-3, paperback,
UK£17.00 / US$25.00
To order please contact

This book was originally printed in 1917. It has been reprinted with fidelity to the original work. Sterndale Classics is an imprint of the Gomidas Institute.

Further Information
Ahmet Kahraman, Uprising, Suppression, Retribution: the Kurdish Struggle in Turkey in the Twentieth Century,

with an introduction by Mark Muller Q.C.
London: Parvana, 2007,
xiv + 270 pp, photos, map,
ISBN 1-903656-74-7, paperback,
UK£20.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
James Brye ve Arnold Toynbee, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Ermenilere Yapılan Muamele, 1915-1916 [Sansürsüz Basım],

James Bryce ve Arnold Toynbee.
Yayına hazırlayan Ara Sarafian. Özel önsöz Lord Avebury

Londra: Gomidas Institute, 2009
654 pp, harita,
UK£30.00 / US$50.00

Sipariş vermek:

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Study
Ara Sarafian, Talat Paşa’nın Ermeni Soykırımı Raporu,

London: Gomidas Institute, 2011,
71 sayfa + renkli 2 harita,
ISBN 978-1-903656-59-4
Fiyat: UK£6.00 / US$10.00 / TL12.00 (posta dahil)
Daha fazla bilgi için

Ucretsiz download
Kitap: Talat Paşa'nın Ermeni Soykırımı Raporu
Harita 1:
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndaki Ermenilerin İmhası
Harita 2: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hayatta Kalan Ermeni Sürgünleri, 1917

Further Information