Grit and Grace in a World Gone Mad: Humanitarianism in Talas, Turkey 1908-1923
Foreword by Kamo Mayilyan
London: Gomidas Institute, 2018,
xiv + 406 pages, maps, photos.ISBN 978-1-909382-44-2, paperback,
Price: UK£30.00 / US$35.00 / CAN$45.00
To order please contact books@gomidas.org
A personal history of a dedicated group of American and Canadian missionaries and relief workers who saved thousands of Armenian, Greek and Turkish orphans from starvation, disease and harm in the Talas region during the dying days of the Ottoman Empire. From the initial jubilance of the Young Turk revolution, through the period of increased state repression, culminating in the violence and destruction of world war and genocide, the courage and kindness of these humanitarians shine through as a beacon of light and hope.
About the Author: Wendy Elliott, MEd, is a writer, designer and instructor. She is the author of a young adult novel, The Dark Triumph of Daniel Sarkisyan, won an award for her radio play, Millennium Madness, and has a passion for education, history and genealogy. Her interest in Armenia stems from four volunteer assignments she completed there in 2006-2009 for a Canadian international development organization. Wendy lives near Toronto and can be reached at wendyelliott.ca
About the Author ii
Foreword vii
An Important Word About the Words xi
2. In Sickness and in Health 17
3. Squabbles, Rifts and Splits 29
4. The Empire Shrinks 39
5. The Reformations 51
6. Mad for War 61
7. Eve of Destruction 71
8. Welcome to Hell 83
10. Pandemonium 99
11. The Need for Relief 109
12. More Evictions 117
13. A Door Closes 127
14. A Window Opens 135
15. Aiding in Alexandropol 147
16. Rolling Up Their Sleeves 159
17. Eastward Ho! 169
18. The End of the Beginning 179
20. Making Their Way Back 201
21. Suffer the Little Children 211
22. Order and DisOrder 223
23. On Their Own 233
24. No Pleasant Place To Be 245
25. A Greek Tragedy 255
26. Prelude to a Denouement 265
27. The Burning of Smyrna 275
Part IV: A Time To Uproot
28. The Expulsion 289
29. The Exodus 299
30. The Cost 305
Foreword vii
An Important Word About the Words xi
Part I: A Time to Plant
1. A New Breed 32. In Sickness and in Health 17
3. Squabbles, Rifts and Splits 29
4. The Empire Shrinks 39
5. The Reformations 51
6. Mad for War 61
7. Eve of Destruction 71
8. Welcome to Hell 83
Part II: A Time to Mourn
9. In the Valley of the Shadow of Death 9110. Pandemonium 99
11. The Need for Relief 109
12. More Evictions 117
13. A Door Closes 127
14. A Window Opens 135
15. Aiding in Alexandropol 147
16. Rolling Up Their Sleeves 159
17. Eastward Ho! 169
18. The End of the Beginning 179
Part III: A Time To Mend
19. Through A Glass Darkly 19120. Making Their Way Back 201
21. Suffer the Little Children 211
22. Order and DisOrder 223
23. On Their Own 233
24. No Pleasant Place To Be 245
25. A Greek Tragedy 255
26. Prelude to a Denouement 265
27. The Burning of Smyrna 275
Part IV: A Time To Uproot
28. The Expulsion 289
29. The Exodus 299
30. The Cost 305
Glossary of Terms and Places 313
List of Personnel 317
Endnotes 323
Selected Bibliography 373
Reader’s Guide 385
Index 391
Acknowledgments 405
List of Personnel 317
Endnotes 323
Selected Bibliography 373
Reader’s Guide 385
Index 391
Acknowledgments 405