Books and Publications

Modern Armenia, Diaspora, Turkey
Gerard J. Libaridian, A PRECARIOUS ARMENIA: The Third Republic, the Karabakh Conflict, and Genocide Politics,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2023,
xlviii + 582 pp, 
ISBN 978-1-909382-76-3, pb.,
UK£45.00 / US$55.00
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Armenian Literature in Translation, Turkey, Kurds
Nanor Kebranian, Zabel Yessayan on the Threshold: Key Texts on Armenians and Turks as Ottoman Subjects,

London : Gomidas Institute, 2023,
144 pp., illust,
ISBN 978-1-909382-75-6, pb.,
UK£20.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Turkey, study
Ara Sarafian (comp. and ed.), Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide, 1917 [Expanded Edition],

London : Gomidas Institute, 2022,
82 pp., maps, b&w + colour illust.
ISBN 978-1-909382-72-5, pb.,
UK£20.00 / US$24.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Turkey, diaspora, memoir
Soghomon Tehlirian, Remembrances: The Assassination of Talaat Pasha,

as told to Vahan Minakhorian
translated from Armenian and annotated by Bedo Demirdjian 
with an introduction by Ara Sarafian
London : Gomidas Institute, 2022,
312 pp., photos, maps,
ISBN 978-1-909382-54-1, pb.,
UK£25.00 / US$30.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Genocide, Diaspora, Turkey
Senekerim Khederian, A Brief History of Nirze Village in Gesaria,

translated from Armenian with annotations and introduction by Gerard J. Libaridian
London : Gomidas Institute, 2021,
xiv + 90 pp., map, photos, tables,
ISBN 978-1-909382-66-4, pb.,
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Osmanlı Ermenileri
H. Şükrü Ilıcak and Jonathan Varjabedian, Sevgülü Oğlum Garabed, Mekdubu Okudum, Ağladım, Güldüm : Kayseri Efkere'den Amerıka'ya Kocayan Ailesi Mektupları (1912-1919),

H. Şükrü Ilıcak (Ermeni harfli Türkçe'den transkripsiyon ve İngilizceye çeviri) Jonathan Varjabedian ve H. Şükrü Ilıcak (İngilizce ve Türkçe sunuş yazıları).
428 s., Ermeni harfli Türkçe mektupların tıpkıbasımı, Latin harflerine transkripsiyonları, ek fotoğraflar, Türkçe lügatçe.
ISBN 978-1-909382-65-7, karton kapak
İngiltere £40.00/ABD $50.00
Sipariş vermek için lütfen

Further Information
Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Armenian Genocide
H. Sukru Ilicak and Jonathan Varjabedian, My Dear Son Garabed, I Read Your Letter, I Cried, I Laughed: Kojaian Family Letters from Efkere/Kayseri to America (1912-1919),

transcrıbed and translated into English from Armeno-Turkish by H. Şükrü Ilıcak with English and Turkish introductions by Jonathan Varjabedian and H. Şükrü Ilıcak
428 pp., full facimile of original Armeno-Turkish with Latinised transcriptions, additional photographs and glossary for Turkish readers
London: Gomidas Institute, 2021
ISBN 978-1-909382-65-7, pb.,
UK£40.00 / US$50.00
To order please contact

Further Information
Armenian Literature in Translation, Turkey, Kurds
Raffi, Sparks - Twelve Selections,

translated from Armenian by Donald Abcarian
London : Gomidas Institute, 2021,
126 pp.,
ISBN 978-1-909382-61-9, paperback,
UK£16.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact

Further Information
History, Armenia, Turkey, Kurdish, Literature
Raffi, Jalaleddin,

translated from Armenian and introduced by Donald Abcarian
Gomidas Institute, 2021,
vi + 56 pages, map, glossary
ISBN 978-1-909382-57-2, pb. 
Price: UK£10.00 / US$12.00
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Further Information
Turkey, Armenia, Literature
Raffi, Tajkahayk,

translated from Armenian and introduced by Ara Stepan Melkonian
Gomidas Institute, 2021,
x + 100 pages,
ISBN 978-1-909382-59-6, pb. 
Price: UK£14.00 / US$20.00
To order please contact

Further Information
James Brye ve Arnold Toynbee, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Ermenilere Yapılan Muamele, 1915-1916 [Sansürsüz Basım],

James Bryce ve Arnold Toynbee.
Yayına hazırlayan Ara Sarafian. Özel önsöz Lord Avebury

Londra: Gomidas Institute, 2009
654 pp, harita,
UK£30.00 / US$50.00

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