Does Armenian Need a Foreign Policy? (2nd edition)
with a new pre- and afterword
London: Gomidas Institute, 2018,
299 pages, maps, photosISBN 978-1-909382-33-6, paperback,
Price: UK£24.00 / US$28.00
To order please contact books@gomidas.org
New pre- and afterword to 2nd edition
I. Armenia in the Context of Turkey’s New Foreign Policy
II. Perfect Failures of the Swiss-American Mediation
III. Other Mediation Initiatives and Blasts from the Historical Past
IV. Track II and Track 1.5 Diplomacy – Interconnection between Normalization and Reconciliation
V. Evolution of the Link between the NK Issue and the Mediation of Armenian-Turkish Rapprochement – EU’s Mediating role, OSCE, BSEC, NATO
VI. The Diplomacy of Qualified Industrial Zones
VII. The Changing Dynamics of Russia’s position on Armenian-Turkish Rapprochement
VIII. From the Failure of the Zurich Protocols to the Failure of Eastern Partnership in Armenia
IX. Does Armenia Need a Foreign Policy?
Instead of an Afterword
I. Armenia in the Context of Turkey’s New Foreign Policy
II. Perfect Failures of the Swiss-American Mediation
III. Other Mediation Initiatives and Blasts from the Historical Past
IV. Track II and Track 1.5 Diplomacy – Interconnection between Normalization and Reconciliation
V. Evolution of the Link between the NK Issue and the Mediation of Armenian-Turkish Rapprochement – EU’s Mediating role, OSCE, BSEC, NATO
VI. The Diplomacy of Qualified Industrial Zones
VII. The Changing Dynamics of Russia’s position on Armenian-Turkish Rapprochement
VIII. From the Failure of the Zurich Protocols to the Failure of Eastern Partnership in Armenia
IX. Does Armenia Need a Foreign Policy?
Instead of an Afterword
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rouben Shougarian was the first Armenian Ambassador to the United States (1993-1999). Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia (1999-2005) and Ambassador to Italy, Spain and Portugal (2005-2008). He currently teaches at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. He is also the author of West of Eden, East of the Chessboard: Four Philosophical Looks Upon the Unknown and The Politics of Immaculate Misconception: The Ideas of the Post-Secular Age, as well as numerous articles on diplomacy, Armenia and the Caucasus.