Trauma and Resilience: Armenians in Turkey – Hidden, Not Hidden and No Longer Hidden
Part I
My Roots – Ovsanna, Onnik, Araxie, Agassi (3)
Esayan Primary School (6)
Buyukada – Prinkipo Island - Medz Geghzi (8)
Life in the Turkish Army (10)
TAD – Turkish Armenian Dialogue (13)
Track One and A Half Diplomacy (15)
Ascent to Ararat (21)
Sense of Belonging, Integration or Acceptance (26)
My Speech at Massachusetts State House (29)
What If… (34)
Part II
Evolving Armenian Realities and the Surp Giragos Dikranagerd Church (39)
Searching for Lost Armenian Churches and Schools in Turkey (43)
Setting the Record Straight: List of Churches in Turkey (52)
What is Turkey Returning to Armenians? (58)
A Series of Firsts in Armenian-Turkish Relations (62)
Dersim: A First Step in Facing the Past in Turkey (65)
Justice as Joke: The Trial of Hrant Dink’s Murderers (68)
Lies, Damned Lies, and Billboards (72)
Revisiting the Turkification of Confiscated Armenian Assets (74)
A Flower or an Oak Tree? (81)
Hidden Truths or Lies (84)
‘2012 Declaration’: A History of Seized Armenian Properties in Istanbul (91)
Hrant’s Message and the Way Forward (97)
The Real Turkish Heroes of 1915 (101)
Where to Invest Our Resources? (105)
The Islamized Armenians and Us (108)
Thoughts on Threshold of Centennial (113)
Dialogue Can Lead to Acknowledgment (116)
Hasan Cemal Speaks at Dink Commemoration in Toronto (122)
The Four Shades of Turkey, and the Armenians (124)
Erdogan’s Message: Where Do We Go From Here? (128)
The Genocide of the Pontic Greeks (132)
Homecoming: Diyarbakir Armenian Language Students Arrive in Armenia (136)
Poetic Justice: Diyarbakir Armenians Baptized at Etchmiadzin (140)
What’s Next for the ‘Hidden Armenians’ of Diyarbakir/Dikranagerd? (143)
Three Fugitives and a Great Crime (147)
Fethiye Çetin Speaks at 8th Hrant Dink Commemoration in Toronto (150)
Letter: Hrant Dink (1954-1915) (154)
Turkey’s Tactics of ‘Oriental Slyness’ (155)
Dersim Leaders Embrace Armenian Roots, Plan Armenia Trip (157)
100 Years Later — Genocide Commemoration in Detroit (160)
Sick People: Open Letter to Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Davutoglu (161)
Reflections on Turkey’s Parliamentary Election (165)
Project Rebirth: Homecoming of ‘Hidden Armenians’ (167)
To Baptize or Not to Baptize the ‘Hidden Armenians’ (170)
The Implications of Turkey’s Renewed War on the Kurds (174)
Canadian Man Fights to Return Expropriated Armenian Church in Turkey (177)
The Plight of Hidden or Islamized Armenians in Turkey (180)
Programs Featuring Cem Özdemir Draw More than 1,000 in Canada (184)
A Diasporan Minister of Diaspora: A Proposal (186)
Turkey vs. Europe: Any Lessons? (189)
The Hidden Lives of Islamized Armenians Living in Plain Sight in Turkey (193)
What’s Next for Turkey? (197)
Oil, Gold, and Bribes: A Ticking Turkish Time Bomb (199)
When Even the Dead Cannot Rest in Peace: Turkey’s Intolerance toward the
‘Other’ (202)
The Untold Stories of Turkey: An Armenian Island on the Bosphorus (204)
Genocide Denied, Armenians Denied: Rejecting the Very Existence of Armenians in
Turkey (207)
Returning to the Roots: Stories of Hidden Armenians (211)
‘Gna Merir, Yekur Sirem’: Artsakh War Veteran, Outspoken Activist Sarkis
Hatspanian Dies at 55 (215)
The Failed Istanbul Armenian Patriarchate (217)
Armenian Turks and Other Tragic Stories of Roots (220)
Artsakh Karabakh – First Memories (223)
Hostages as State Policy (228)
About the Author 232)