Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide
London: Gomidas Institute, 2011
70 pp, colour maps insert
ISBN 978-1-903656-66-2, paperback,
To order please contact books@gomidas.org
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Book. Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide
Map 1. The Destruction of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1914-1917
Map 2. Surviving Armenian Deportees in the Ottoman Empire, 1917
Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide is the closest official Ottoman view we have of the Armenian Genocide. The report was undoubtedly prepared for Talaat Pasha and meant for his private use. It was not meant for publication and probably only survived because Talaat was assassinated in 1921 and his widow gave the report to a Turkish historian who eventually published it.* No such record has been released by Turkish archives to date, though the data presented in the 1917 report can be checked against the available Ottoman records and stands scrutiny.
According to Talaat's figures 1,150,000 Armenians disappeared in the Ottoman Empire between 1915-1917. This number includes well over 100,000 Armenians who fled from the Ottoman Empire in 1915 (and died in large numbers from hunger, exposure and disease), but it does not include tens of thousands of Armenian women and children who were absorbed into Muslim families or placed into state orphanages for assimilation.
In this publication of Talaat's report on the Armenian Genocide, historian Ara Sarafian discusses the 1917 report in light of other Ottoman records. He presents Talaat's statistics in all detail and includes two invaluable color maps demonstrating the content of the report, as well as additional Ottoman documents related to the Armenian Genocide. Sarafian presents Talaat's breakdown of the number of Armenians, their native provinces, and their whereabouts in the Ottoman Empire in 1917.
* See Murat Bardakçi, Talat Paşa’nın Evrak-ı Metrukesi : Sadrazam Talat Paşa’nın özel arşivinde bulunan Ermeni tehciri konusundaki belgeler ve hususi yazışmalar [The Remaining Documents of Talaat Pasha: Documents and Important Correspondence Found in the Private Archives of Sadrazam Talaat Pasha about the Armenian Deportations], Istanbul: Everest Yayınları, 2008.