The Real and Assumed Personalities of Famous Men: Rafael De Nogales, T. E. Lawrence, and the Birth of the Modern Era, 1914 - 1937
London: Gomidas Institute, 2010,
172 pp. includes map and photos.
ISBN 978-1-903656-97-6, paperback,
UK£14.00 / US$22.00
To order please contact books@gomidas.org
"What a life! Rafael De Nogales was one of the 20th century’s great soldiers of fortune. A Venezuelan revolutionary, a Great Plains cowboy, a Turkish army officer who witnessed the Armenian massacres, a journalist who interviewed Sandino in the jungles of Nicaragua, and, perhaps above all, a flamboyant and serial liar: Nogales was clearly a man for our times. As Kim McQuaid argues in this fascinating book, however, Nogales’s life was more than a mere adventure. He stood at the nexus of the great problems of the era: bloody ethnic conflict, western imperialism, the politics of big oil, the "entangled histories” of east and west, and the rising nationalisms of the oppressed. Nogales never did get the David Lean film he deserved, but McQuaid has done us all a service by bringing this forgotten epic back to life." --Dr. Rob Citino, author of The Path to Blitzkrieg, Quest For Decisive Victory; Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm, The German Way of War, and The Death of the Wehrmacht.